
Tomorrow is a Friday.

Raise your hand if you recently said you would start blogging again and then promptly failed to do so...

Yup, nailed it.

Saturday I was busy day drinking and playing games with friends.

Cards Against Humanity, Settlers of Catan, and old school Mario Kart. It was epic. Then we drank more and grilled meat because we are American and that's what we do.

I spent Monday night attempting to convince a friend to end things with the guy she is dating. He is over twice her age and it is not a healthy dynamic. He offers her expensive gifts, elaborate vacations, and permanent financial stability. In return she puts up with emotional manipulation and increasing isolation from her friends and family. Not to mention two stepchildren nearly her age. The diamond has been picked out and he is ready to propose... it's a delicate situation. I'm doing my best to talk some sense into her before it's too late.

Last night I made my super mega easy healthy veggie chili. I chop up all the veggies in the fridge, saute them together, add a bunch of beans and some spices, then cook them for a while. Ta da!

Nom nom nom. And now we have leftovers for days so yours truly doesn't have to cook again anytime soon.Winning.


It's time.

I've been feeling uninspired lately. Uninspired to blog, uninspired to read, uninspired to cook, uninspired to do much more than adequately complete the motions of day-to-day life. I partially blame the weather. The dreary gray skies and naked trees leave me feeling apathetic to nearly everything.

A couple weekends ago, I was moping around the house and decided I that needed to do something about this bullshit asap. I needed to stop wallowing and get myself back on track; nobody else is going to do it for me.

I just started a new book that was recommended to me by a friend, The Kitchen House. I nerd out over historical novels and am absolutely devouring it.

I'm making an effort to make plans with friends and get out of the house more.

I've been reading all my favorite blogs again. I'm obsessed with this kitchen tour post on Oh So Lovely Vintage. I collect vintage bakeware and other kitchen stuff, and her vibrant collection is so inspiring!

I went shopping with a friend during lunch last week, and found a few fun new accessories to  spruce up my wardrobe.

And I'm going to start blogging again. I really do miss it. I would find myself mentally composing a post, and then completely lose motivation before I made it to my computer. Recently, one of my favorite bloggers, Shannon, eloquently mused on Twitter as to "where the F" I had been lately. I took that as THE sign and decided it was definitely time to return to blogland.

So that's that. Please bear with me was I get this new space up and running.

PS. Follow my blog with Bloglovin (aka that stupid obligatory link Bloglovin makes you post so you can claim a new blog).