
Who says that snow days can't be fun when you're an adult?

Lillian was unimpressed by her first snow.

We awoke yesterday morning to find a perfect blanket of snow. It was that magical soft, fluffy kind that makes everything look absolutely beautiful. Campus was closed (because in mid North Carolina everything comes to a screeching halt the second it flurries), so Lee didn't have to go into work. He was still fast asleep when I plopped a freshly fed and changed baby into bed with him and headed downstairs to enjoy my morning coffee in solitude, a rare treat these days. 

Dexter was thrilled with the new development and ran exuberant laps around the backyard. Eloise... not so much.

We brunched while watching the neighborhood kids make some rather subpar snowmen, and then headed out for a walk around the neighborhood.

After our walk we ventured into town to our friends' bottle shop for some fancy beer. Because snow day.

Lillian wore her cutest bear ears.

We finished the day with pizza, Settlers of Catan, beer, and some Girl Scout cookies we accidentally bought while we were out. PS. When the hell did they change all the names? WTF?

It was amazing to spend a day together without any obligations. We slept late, dicked around all day, and discussed at length how absurdly cute our daughter is. We get so wrapped up in the demands of the day-to-day and weekend projects, that sometimes we forget to just hang out and enjoy each other. I married him because he's my best friend, after all, and it sure is nice to spend a day just chilling with my best friend

And now Lillian and I are eagerly awaiting Lee's return home from work so we can watch HOUSE OF CARDS!!! What what! So excited!


No lunch breaks.

I'm currently sipping hot tea and cuddling my sleeping baby while I watch the snow fall outside.

I'm trying reallllllllllllllllly hard to acknowledge the beautiful small moments with her and not lose them among the blur of never ending nighttime feedings, sore boobies, spit up everywhere, and dirty diapers... so many dirty diapers.

I've reached the six week mark. When it is no longer new and sparkly, and the realities of staying at home to care for a tiny human 24/7 begin to set in. To top it off, she is currently in a wail-nonstop-if-anyone-but-my-mom-holds-me phase. So there is no passing her off to my husband when he gets home from work. The only way I can get a moment away from her is if I nurse her to sleep in our bed and then very slowly ninja my way out of our very squeaky old bed. She will not fall asleep on her own. She will not stay asleep if I put her down after she falls asleep in my arms. I wear her. All day. Everyday.

Now don't get me wrong, I am still super stoked about her. She is amazing and I am so lucky to be able to witness each and every adorable thing she does every day. I'm just trying to adjust to this whole mothering a tiny human 24/7 thing. It's for reals. There are no lunch breaks.


Holy crap, my kid is is six weeks old.

She has started to really look at faces and is working on figuring out the whole smiling thing.

She coos and ahhs constantly. When I wear her in the wrap, she holds her head up and looks all around.

Speaking of babywearing... it is amazing. She stays happy because she feels like she is being held, and I stay happy because I can get stuff done. She will fall asleep in my arms easily, but will almost always wake up the second I put her down. However, she will nap long and hard when she's in the wrap. I also like that she is constantly with me in the wrap, when I do manage to get her to nap in the bed I feel compelled to check on her absurdly often. I can't help it, it's the mommy hormones making me crazy paranoid!

We went to our first mommy baby yoga class yesterday. I loved it and it's definitely going to become a regualr occurrence. It's a great way for me to learn some new ways to stretch and work out this post-baby body. Plus, I can get in a little exercise when it's too cold or gross to power walk with her at the park.

She has started to actually watch stuff. She watched the mobile on her swing for the fist time a couple of days ago.

We co-sleep.  I actually don't know any moms who don't. She sleeps for longer periods of time and I sleep better because I can wake up and check on her without even moving. My husband sleeps with us sometimes, but usually sleeps in the guest bedroom which is easier for everyone. There is no need for him to wake up multiple times throughout the night since I'm the one nursing her. Plus it's nice to have the entire bed to ourselves, I sleep better when we have a little space and I'm not on my side curled around her which is what always happens when he's in the bed with us.

Sunday we asked two of our best friends to be her godparents and it was a really happy moment all around. They were totally surprised and touched and it meant as much to them as it did to us.

We are not particularly religious, she is going to be christened in April but it's more for our families than for us. But it was still really special to name them as her godparents, we chose a couple who have been really excellent friends to us for years. They are just really good people and will be great role models for her as she grows.

I'm still totally loving my new all-consuming role as her mom. I've wanted it for a long, long time and am super excited that it finally happened!


Oxytocin HIgh

Being a mom is amazing. I'm loving every moment of it. I recently read this interesting article: What Happens to a Woman's Brain When She Becomes a Mother. I am getting some serious oxytocin rushes, ya'll. My baby is the cutest thing I've ever encountered and I legit think that everything she does is adorable.

I'll feel slightly irritated when I feel her stirring in the middle of the night, but the second I see her looking back at me with those adorable eyes, the oxytocin hits me and I'm all "Nevermind, I love you so hard and I'm totally ok with waking up at 4:00am to change your poop filled diaper and nurse you until you fall back asleep."

She's reallllllllllly good at cuddles.

And hilarious faces.

I'm feeling almost fully recovered from birthing a small human, we're both getting better and better at breastfeeding, and I'm not nearly as sleep deprived as I thought I would be. She demands to nurse every three hours or so, but I just keep going back to sleep with her until I feel fully rested. Sometimes it results in us getting out of bed at 2:00pm, but hey, whatevs.

I'm loving my new role as her mother and I'm so stoked to watch her change and grow.